
Why Some Things Just "Suck"

Chris Haddad at Biznik.com wrote a (perhaps) controversial article about why many websites "suck". Whether you like his tone or not, he makes some valid points that are certainly worth listening to. However, I'd like to point out that the main point he makes applies to many more topics than web design - try E-Learning design, print design, live presentations, even informal conversations with coworkers.

What is Chris' main point? Well you should read his article! My take? This is regurgitating material that seemed to originate from Dale Carnegie's book How To Win Friends and Influence People. But Chris takes it to a new level and applies it strictly to the field of web design and he uses modern analogies to explain his point.

I'm not certain if Dale Carnegie would approve of the method, but I think he'd approve of the message Chris is sending: if you want to influence people, appeal to their needs!

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